> 文章列表 > 春节能去扬州旅游吗英语





Can you travel to Yangzhou during the Spring Festival?


Yangzhou is a city with a long history and beautiful scenery. It has abundant cultural heritage and tourist attractions, making it a great destination for travel.


I come from Yangzhou, Jiangsu.


Yangzhou is located in Jiangsu Province, China. It is a vibrant and charming city known for its rich history and unique culture.


What is Spring Festival called in English?

春节在英语中可以翻译为Spring Festival或Chinese New Year。这是中国最重要的传统节日之一,是一个庆祝新年到来的盛大节日。

In English, Spring Festival can be translated as \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year\". This is one of the most important traditional festivals in China, celebrating the arrival of the new year.


If you like traveling, Yangzhou is a good destination.


Yangzhou has many attractions and activities that appeal to tourists. You can admire ancient architecture, taste delicious Yangzhou cuisine, and visit Yangzhou Museum to learn about the local history and culture.


How do you say Spring Festival, Christmas Day, Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving, and National Day in English?

春节可以翻译为the Spring Festival、Lunar New Year\'s Day或Chinese New Year\'s Day。圣诞节是Christmas Day,平安夜是Christmas Eve。感恩节是Thanksgiving,国庆节是National Day。

Spring Festival can be translated as \"the Spring Festival,\" \"Lunar New Year\'s Day,\" or \"Chinese New Year\'s Day.\" Christmas Day is Christmas Day, and Christmas Eve is Christmas Eve. Thanksgiving is Thanksgiving, and National Day is National Day.


How do you say travel in English?


Travel can be expressed as \"travel\" in English. Traveling can bring rich experiences and pleasant moments to people, and it is also a way to gain knowledge and broaden horizons.


English words and phrases about the Spring Festival

春节可以用以下词汇和词组表达:The Spring Festival(春节)、Lunar calendar(农历)、Lunar January(正月)、New Year\'s Eve(除夕)、fireworks(烟花)等。

The Spring Festival can be expressed with the following vocabulary and phrases: The Spring Festival (春节), Lunar calendar (农历), Lunar January (正月), New Year\'s Eve (除夕), fireworks (烟花), and so on.